Truly understanding the word “Kaizen”


Kaizen is a Japanese word for a philosophy that I'm sure you know, even if, until now, you lacked the word for it.

Never being satisfied with where you are, but focusing on where you can go.

Kaizen is continuous improvement. It’s the perfectionism we see Japanese culture strive towards.

The art of Bonsai. Everyday cultivating and curating the plant, and making it striking despite being only a dwarf.



The intricacy of Calligraphy characters, each stroke having a correct order and proportion, made by the simple tools of a brush, and ink. 

Even if you’ve ordered sushi, and admired the orderly rice packages laid in front of you, you have experienced the beauty of Kaizen.


The art of Kaizen, when channeled correctly, has the ability to turn every action into a chain-reaction. Transforming a complete beginner into a master of their destiny.

"It May Seem Difficult At First, But Everything Is Difficult At First." - Miyamoto Musashi

It is a system by which we can hone our focus, find our direction and channel it towards reaching the life we wish to live.

Everything in life is a process, to make movement we must also have vision Giving us the first principle of Kaizen;


This is at the core of our mission, to bring powerful and scenic visuals into your home - so you can never forget what it takes, nor where you are heading. So you can put your life in order.

What is the essence of order? Numbers. Mathematics. Absolute certainty.

Giving us our next principle;


If we can’t assess how we’re progressing, we will feel like we are stuck. We won’t know if our changes are making any difference.

Our goal is to keep up our spirits, and stay inspired.

The best way?

See how far we’ve come, map our path, scout where we must go through;


The core of life should we wish to not stagnate, improvement everyday.

This is split in the philosophy of Kaizen as follows;

Process - Refining the steps we are taking everyday towards our goals, like the weightlifter crafting his exercises to avoid wasting time on changing plates.

Product - Finding ways to improve what we output, whether its an artist finding ways to bring his music to the world, and in so get feedback on his creation

People - Spreading principles of Kaizen to those involved in your mission. Like the programmer able to raise up his junior developer by directing him in a new technical focus. Not letting him feel lost looking up from the foot of the mountain he must climb.

Environment - Improving our ability to achieve our goals through improving our surroundings. Like the writer who channels serenity in his office by removing all that is noisy, even his phone - to hone in on his craft.

This is the essence of Kaizen, small improvement everyday, but it’s nothing if we don’t...


Many small efforts are like the building of an avalanche.

Consistency is key, and a core value for us.

We can’t sustain growth without improvement to back it up. You can’t ask for more while giving less.

This is the core of Kaizen.

Kaizen is not complicated, it’s not radical, but gradual change.

It’s taking what we already do and giving it refinement.

We look to Musashi as an avatar of Kaizen. Miyamoto Musashi was a master samurai who embodied this spirit, and walked on the path known to him as the way

We have gone to him for guidance 


and have included his most striking sayings, in our original Zen Way design.

He is famous in Japan not just for his swordsmanship - but in many other skills - by following The Way of Walking Alone - Dokkodo - including;

Philosophy, Strategy, Writing, Calligraphy, Ink Painting, Wood Carving.

Join us in honing your workspace, so together we can find our way wherever we are heading.