The Art of Authentic Confidence

Confidence is knowing what you know, being true to your abilities AND potential, it is pushing your boundaries towards growth.

Arrogance is using what you like about yourself as a bat to break the knees of others.

Confidence is when what you say, how you behave and where you are heading is congruent, aligned with your being.

Arrogance is disdain for others for not being ‘on your level’.

Arrogance is overbearing pride. But pride is something to cultivate, especially when you're doing the challenging tasks that life throws at you. While humility is commendable, excessive humility can hinder opportunities meant for you.

Your pride should be reflected in your demeanor, subtly hinting at your accomplishments without boasting.

Insecure individuals might misinterpret confidence as arrogance, pushing you to diminish your achievements to comfort them. This is unhealthy.

There's a defense for arrogance. To aim for sky-high goals, like becoming an NBA star, requires a hint of arrogance and a hefty dose of self-belief, even when the odds seem unrealistic. Confidence can be seen as arrogance backed by competence and self-assuredness.

The key to avoiding the label of arrogance lies in truly listening to others. By genuinely connecting and focusing on others, you make it impossible for them to view you as arrogant. This deep connection is about meeting others on their level, not placing yourself above or below them.

Ego isn't necessarily the enemy. An endeavor, especially one as personal as art, is a journey with oneself. Without ego, you risk sidelining your desires and dreams. True confidence might sometimes be misconstrued as arrogance, but it's essential to remember that it's about how we see ourselves and how we make others feel.

Insecurity can often manifest as arrogance. But by recognizing and managing these tendencies, one can transform arrogance into genuine confidence.