Are you falling into the self-help trap?

Today there are hundred of thousands of self help books published every year – yet society is more addicted to drugs, entertainment and escapism in general than ever.

If the solution was to be found solely in the pages of these books, then this problem would be shrinking – by far it is one of the most popular genres precisely because people need it more then ever.

If you look to a general philosophy, a general guide to your specific life – then you are barking up the wrong tree.

No one can give you the answers to live your life. Only guidance.

At Kaizen Kontakt, we strive to capture the metaphysics of purpose and living a fulfilling life.

There are general higher principles, anyone giving a one size fits all solution is playing on your hope and desperation.

We draw on truths found in the wisdom of eastern philosophy, legends like Miyamoto Musashi and modern ideas of purpose like Ikigai.

However these are merely guides, tools, and not the answer to your life.

If you are stuck we hope to give you a start.

And if you are on the journey, we hope to provide perspectives. Because that is all we can do.

We cannot provide you with the answers, that can only come from within you.

Take Musashi’s 21 principles for The Way. They are tailored to a warriors life – which for most of us today – is unrealistic.

Yet they are kaleidoscopic in their wisdom.

Be indifferent to where you live, principle 12.

Well today there are many laws in most countries stopping you from living the life of a vagabond. Though it is possible, for most it is not realistic, laws aside.

Yet you cannot let where you are staying dictate your life. You rent a place, you do not own it – it is transient.

Or you own a place, it should not own you and be a primary concern – there is much more to life.

Yet neglecting your home or your rental agreement is sure to bring trouble.

In this way, we can learn from Musashi s perspective, we can learn a lot from him in the way he can teach us about ourselves.

Weapons are of the highest importance, have no value on other matters, rule 16.

Unless you live in select countries, carrying a weapon is highly prohibited. And of course we cannot live or die by the sword in these times. Yet there is much to learn in the warriors life.

This is a microcosm of the problem of self help in general though. Because what is general cannot specifically give us the answers in our life.

Take inspiration, meditate on wisdom, but practice relying on yourself. Let life be your greatest teacher. Let the answers come from within.

Above all Musashi preached self-reliance, a skill which can serve you no matter what life you lead.